February 2018
• Editor's Message
• Haulover Community Action Days
• Mid-Winter Naturist Festival
• Paul LeValley elected president of
American Nudist Research Library
• Three municipal anti-top-free
equality ordinances challenged
• SFFB February Board meeting
• AANR-Florida launches Nudist
Florida online magazine
• Palm Beach Naturists renews
drive for clothing-optional beach
• First nude photography festival
in Africa runs March 23-26
• Tampa Area Naturists still seeking
petition signatures for nude beach
• News from Treasure Coast
Naturists / Blind Creek Beach

February 2, 2018
Monthly Friday night
nude drum circle
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
February 3, 2018
Haulover Community
Action Day
Haulover Park
Miami, FL
February 10, 2018
SFFB Board meeting
Haulover Beach
Miami, FL
February 15-20, 2018
Mid-Winter Naturist Festival
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
March 2-11, 2018
17th Annual Super Bowl
South Volleyball Tournament
Lake Como Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
March 3, 2018
Haulover Community
Action Day
Haulover Park
Miami, FL
March 17 & 18, 2018
18th Annual Lovers' Cup
Tennis Tournament
Lake Como Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
March 24, 2018
Artfuuul Day
Sunnier Palms Nudist Park
Fort Pierce, FL
April 5-8 (& 12-15), 2018
Florida Young Naturists
10th Annual Naked Spring Bash
Reunion Celebration
Sunny Sands Resort
Pierson, FL
April 7, 2018
Haulover Community
Action Day
Haulover Park
Miami, FL
April 8, 2018
26th Annual Dare to Go Bare
5K Run & 2.5K Walk
Lake Como Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
April 12-15 (& 5-8), 2018
Florida Young Naturists
10th Annual Naked Spring Bash
Reunion Celebration
Sunny Sands Resort
Pierson, FL
April 13-15, 2018
Young Adult Naturists Spring
Fest: Full Bloom Music Medley
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
April 28 & 29, 2018
Music Fest
Lake Como Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
May 26-28, 2018
Lake Como Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
Mid-June 2018 (dates TBD)
Corn Fest
Lake Como Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
July 13-15 2018
Christian Naturist Festival
Lake Como Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
July 14-22, 2018
11th Annual Naturist
Family Youth Camp
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
August 10-12, 2018
Annual Young Adult Natur-
ists End of Summer Fest
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
August 17-26, 2018
33rd Annual International
Gathering of Male Naturists
Gay Naturists International
Pocono Mountains, PA
October 21, 2018
15th Annual Classic Car Show
Lake Como Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
November 9-11, 2018
Freedom Festival
Lake Como Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
December 7-9, 2018
9th Annual Young Adult Naturists Holiday Fest
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
Join South Florida Free Beaches
Beach Education Advocates for
Culture, Health,Environment
& Safety (B.E.A.C.H.E.S.)
501(c)(3) nonprofit educational and charitable adjunct to SFFB
Find a nude beach group to join!

Grand Lido™ Negril
Au Naturel All-Suite Resort
Negril, Jamaica
An upscale and elegant naturist resort
Represented by Fox Travel American Express

daddy O hotel miami
Bay Harbor Islands, FL
Textile, but close to Haulover Beach
Mention SFFB for 10¢ discount.

Lake Como Family Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
The place to be ... naturally!

Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
Clothes-free recreation in a
natural, tropical paradise!

South Florida Free Beaches
PO Box 530306
Miami Shores FL 33153-0306
United States
February 2018 Editor's Message
by Seth Paronick
"Where's my SFFB / Haulover Beach newsletter?"
"Where's my SFFB / Haulover Beach newsletter?" is a question that some subscribers at Microsoft-related e-mail addresses (e.g., @hotmail.com, @outlook.com, @msn.com, and @live.com) may have started asking recently. Sometime in December 2017, Microsoft starting rejecting e-mails that we send to hundreds of its customers through Campaigner, which is the bulk e-mail marketing software that we use for mass distribution. (Our transmissions to a smaller group of just scores of subscribers at EarthLink-related e-mail addresses such as @earthlink.net, @mindspring.net, @peoplepc.com, and @sunlink.net have been blocked this way for a long time, but I have previously notified them of this individually.)
I sought assistance from Campaigner's technical support group, but there was little they could do beyond sending a resolution request to Microsoft. I was hoping that, by the time the February 2018 issue of this newsletter was transmitted, this problem might have been resolved and the affected subscribers might thus be able to receive this explanation via e-mail, but there are indications, as of this writing, that the problem is ongoing.
As a convenience to new people requesting to subscribe (either in person at the SFFB information booth on Haulover Beach or via the submission of an SFFB sponsorship / membership application), I had been adding their e-mail addresses directly to our Campaigner contact list. Campaigner's technical support group has indicated that this practice may have contributed to a deterioration in our online reputation as a responsible bulk e-mailer, resulting in Microsoft's blocking of our transmissions. Furthermore, it has advised me to stop sending to the affected addresses, at least, for a while, to avoid exacerbating the situation with continued transmission attempts.
I have also been advised to put all new subscription requests through the double opt-in process via the online subscription form, to which there is a link at the top of every page on SFFB's website, as well as on B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute's Events web page. This triggers a verification e-mail to the subscriber with a link on which the subscriber must click to activate the subscription. Such double opt-in prevents the addition of anyone's e-mail address by a third party without his or her knowledge or permission. It's possible that a complaint about such an unauthorized subscription may have contributed to the blocking of our bulk transmissions to Microsoft and EarthLink e-mail addresses.
If any subscriber mentions to you that he or she has suddenly stopped receiving our newsletter, please share this explanation with him or her. Unless and until Microsoft and EarthLink stop blocking our bulk e-mails, affected and new subscribers are advised to submit a subscription request in which they provide a non-Microsoft and non-EarthLink e-mail address to which we may send the newsletter.
In any case, you can always read the latest and previous issues of this newsletter (going back to 2008!) at sffb.com/enews. Note that it usually takes up to several days after each issue is distributed to subscribers via e-mail for it to be posted on line.
Due to scheduled travel and limited access to the Internet during that time, the March 2018 issue may not be published until later in the first week of March. Thank you in advance for your patience.
The President's Message column by Richard Mason, SFFB President, resumes in this space in the March 2018 issue of this newsletter. On his behalf, I am including below his usual message about joining and/or donating to South Florida Free Beaches.
If you are not a current member of South Florida Free Beaches, please consider becoming one — numbers matter. At $35 per year for your household, it costs just 67¢ per week. A key benefit is the continued, clothing-optional use of Haulover Beach. How much is that worth to you? Join or renew at sffb.com.
SFFB also has a separate Legal Defense & Political Action Fund that supports its government affairs efforts and assists individuals cited for nude sunbathing. Even if you're not ready to (re)join just yet, please consider donating to this fund (not tax-deductible) to help with current challenges. Donations by bank check should be mailed to the address below (in e-mail version of newsletter). Thanks!
Haulover Community Action Days, February – April 2018
Chris Hernandez, Haulover Service Area Manager for the Miami-Dade County Parks,
Recreation and Open Spaces Department, has announced the start of Haulover Community Action Days. Occurring on the first Saturday morning of the next three months ( February 3, March 3, and April 7), these are opportunities for volunteers to help beautify Haulover Park in projects ranging from mulching trees to raking micro-plastics, picking up trash, painting, and more. If you enjoy Haulover, this is a great way to give back to it.
Participants meet in Parking Lot #4, next to the dog park and bicycle rental concession.
Each action runs from 9 a.m. to noon, and volunteers receive a complimentary parking pass for the day. Those participating are encouraged to bring what they need to enjoy the afternoon in the park or on the beach afterwards. IMPORTANT: Advance registration is required.
Six days of fun, growth, and community in the nude
30th Annual Mid-Winter Naturist Festival
Thursday – Tuesday, February 15-20, 2018
Sunsport Gardens Family Naturist Resort
14125 North Rd, Loxahatchee Groves, FL
(14 miles west of West Palm Beach)
Final reminder: Join other naturist men and women and their families from Florida and the rest of North America for the continent's first regional naturist gathering in 2018. Come for any or all of the days — it's up to you!
This nude gathering features nearly 250 scheduled activities (place cursor over document to open page controls), including a broad array of seminars, workshops, sports, music and dance (including nightly drum circle around a huge bonfire), and social activities. There are also a couple of off-site events, which are excursions to Haulover Beach in Miami and Blind Creek Beach in Fort Pierce, FL.
The Mid-Winter Naturist Festival is one of a series of Naturist Society-sanctioned nude events each year. Diversity is valued, and all are welcome. Pre-registration is encouraged for planning purposes, but not required. (It makes check-in quick and easy.) Proceeds of the Festival benefit The Naturist Society, South Florida Free Beaches, and Treasure Coast Naturists. (See related article below.) Get pricing and/or register.
Click above for a video tour of Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort with Morley and Anne.
Be sure to visit the SFFB / B.E.A.C.H.E.S. booth in the vendor area. Volunteers are needed to help staff the booth each day of the Festival. If you can spare some time to cover one or more shifts, please contact SFFB.
Help get the word out! The Festival has a listing on Facebook. Click on Going or Interested if you will or may attend, and use the Share button to invite your friends, post the event on your timeline and in other naturist groups you belong to, and send it in a message.
Meanwhile, try Sunsport Gardens' nude drum circle, first Friday of every month from 9 p.m. to midnight. Free entry starts at 5 p.m.; visitors must depart by 2 a.m. Includes use of amenities such as the café, showers, pool, spa, and sauna. You must present your government-issued photo ID for admission. Get directions.
Paul LeValley elected as president of American Nudist Research Library
Retired Florida State University professor Paul LeValley has been elected as president of the American Nudist Research Library (ANRL). Housed on the grounds of Cypress Cove Nudist Resort in Kissimmee, FL (near Orlando; see ad below left), the library contains the world's largest collection of American nudist / naturist magazines as well as books, club newsletters, videos, interview tapes, court documents, and foreign magazines. Most of the magazines are kept in bound volumes, and all have been electronically scanned for computer searching.
Paul says his aim is to "bust out of these four walls" and make research tools available to scholars across the country and around the world. ANRL's website at anrl.org already contains several useful bibliographies, and the library's original card catalog will soon be available on line. Paul compiled some of those bibliographies during his 15 years as head of The Naturist Society's Professors & Researchers Special Interest Group (SIG).
Cain Kills Abel by Bartolomeo
Manfredi, circa 1600, an
exhibit from Dr. LeValley's
book, Art Follows Nature.
For 20 years, Dr. LeValley wrote the art history column in the former naturist magazine, Naturally. Those illustrated essays have now been published as a book, Art Follows Nature: A Worldwide History of the Nude, as we reported in the December 2016 issue. You can read sample pages and/or order the book. His new book on the Gymnosophists, or naked philosophers of India, is expected in the next few months.
In other exciting library news, the four nudist libraries in the U.S. — Western Nudist Research Library in Corona, CA, Northwestern Nudist Library in Springfield, OR, Naturist Education Foundation (NEF) Research Library in Oshkosh, WI (see related article in the October 2017 issue), and ANRL — are beginning to talk with each other. ANRL is years ahead of the others, who are mainly discussing the best way to catalog their collections. This should lead to some exchanges of surplus materials, and eventual online sharing of scans.
The American Nudist Research Library gratefully accepts donations of volunteer time, computer skills, media, materials for the collection, and funds.
Three municipal anti-top-free equality laws challenged
We reported in last month's issue on court appeals in cases involving anti-top-free equality ordinances in Fort Collins, CO and Laconia, NH. Oral arguments for and against the concept that the Fort Collins ordinance discriminates on the basis of sex, in violation of the equal protection provision of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, were heard on January 17 before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit. A decision is not expected until sometime in spring, but the judges appeared by their questions and comments to be sympathetic to the plaintiffs' argument. For coverage of the January 17 hearing, read Appeals court hears Fort Collins topless ban arguments.
All three women who were arrested in May 2016 and later convicted of violating the anti-top-free ordinance of Laconia, NH were to have their appeals heard on January 4 before the New Hampshire Supreme Court. At almost the last minute, the hearing was postponed to February 1. Audio and video of the hearing are available at courts.nh.gov. A decision is not expected for several months. For coverage of the February 1 hearing, read Topless beachgoers: Ban is unconstitutional, discriminatory.
In the July 2017 issue, we reported that Ocean City, MD had passed an ordinance banning the public exposure of female breasts and asserting that, despite the Maryland constitution's guarantee of equal protection of the law regardless of sex, the Town is not obliged to ignore physiological differences. On January 17, 2018, Chelsea (Covington) Eline, a top-free activist in Maryland and author of the blog, Breasts are Healthy, and four other women filed a Federal lawsuit seeking an injunction against enforcement of the ordinance.
At press time, a court date was not yet set. For details about the Ocean City lawsuit, read Fight over Ocean City's ban on bare breasts goes to federal court and Ocean City mayor responds after lawsuit claims women have right to go topless in public. We will continue to monitor these three stories and bring you updates.
AANR-Florida launches Nudist Florida e-magazine
After several months of development and input from various organizations, including South Florida Free Beaches and B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute, AANR-Florida (the Florida region of the American Association for Nude Recreation) has launched an online magazine titled, Nudist Florida. This project was made possible with the help of a grant from VISITFLORIDA®, the state's official tourism promotion agency. The publication is dynamic; AANR-Florida intends to update and expand it over time.
Although it focuses on AANR-affiliated resorts and clubs, the e-magazine also presents other aspects of nude or clothing-optional recreation in Florida, including beaches and LGBT
offerings. Read and enjoy, and share the link ( joom.ag/hWwL) with your naturist friends,
especially snowbirds inquiring about escaping to Florida from the cold!
If you have a bar code scanning app on your smartphone or tablet computer, you may point its camera at the above QR code to be taken directly to Nudist Florida.
Palm Beach Naturists renews drive for nude beach
Palm Beach Naturists (PBN) is renewing its call for Palm Beach County to select and designate a clothing-optional section of beach. If the County Commission doesn't act by April, the group will initiate its own designation with signage. In the meantime, PBN requests signatures on its petition.
SFFB Board meeting on Haulover Beach, February 10
The Board of Directors of South Florida Free Beaches usually meets on the second Saturday of every month at 2:00 p.m. under the North Chickee (thatch-roofed shade structure) near lifeguard tower 15 on Haulover Beach unless another date and time or location is announced. See below for the long-term schedule. Any planned exception to the second Saturday pattern is noted with an asterisk.
The meetings are open to SFFB sponsors / members, supporters, and invited guests. Prior to setting out, check the upper left-hand corner of SFFB's home page at sffb.com (under Today's Beach Reports) for any change in date, time, or location due to unavailability of Board members or in case of bad weather, when the meeting may take place indoors.
Don't miss an SFFB Board meeting — add the schedule to your calendar now!
February 10, 2018
March 10, 2018 |
April 14, 2018
May 12, 2018
June 9, 2018 |
July 14, 2018
August 11, 2018
September 8, 2018 |
October 13, 2018
November 10, 2018
December 8, 2018 |
First festival of nude photography in Africa
The first African Festival of Nude Photography takes place March 23-26, 2018 in Cotonou, the largest city of Benin, in West Africa. Submissions were accepted for the past couple of months, ending on February 1. The festival aims to build on the acceptance of nudity in certain African cultures to start a dialog toward overcoming negative perceptions of it in other parts of the continent. Watch a television report.
Tampa Area Naturists still seeking petition signatures
Tampa Area Naturists is still collecting signatures on its petition for a clothing-optional beach in the Tampa Bay Area. For info, read the related article in last month's issue.
News from Treasure Coast Naturists / Blind Creek Beach in Fort Pierce, FL
Following up on our report in the January 2016 issue, there are now three portable outhouses in the south parking lot at Blind Creek Beach in Fort Pierce, FL. Their installation and regular servicing are arranged by Treasure Coast Naturists (TCN), the group that mentors the beach, and supported by private donations. (This amenity is not provided by St. Lucie County, which has no plans to add any facilities.)
TCN welcomes contributions toward maintenance of the port-a-potties and can now receive donations on line. The group reminds visitors to use the facilities (cover up before crossing back over the dunes from the beach) and refrain from urinating on the beach.
In its continuing effort to educate the public about the beach environment and to promote its conservation, TCN has added information to its website about beach wrack, which is the material, composed mostly of marine vegetation, that washes up on shore and contributes to beach ecology. The page includes a link to download and print a beautiful, informative poster, suitable for framing.
Treasure Coast Naturists recently relocated its post office box. The new mailing address is PO Box 882281, Port St. Lucie, FL 34988-2281. Donations by check are gladly received there. Other means of contact are shown on TCN's contact page.
The nude bowling night that TCN had scheduled for February 18, 2018 in Jensen Beach, FL has been postponed, due to flak that the bowling alley received about it in late January from non-naturists in the area. News that the event had been called off went viral on social media. While detractors gloated, there was a huge outpouring of support from others for TCN, the event, and the bowling alley. On that basis, TCN hopes to reschedule nude bowling and to promote it to those that have indicated an interest.