April 2019
• Editor's Message — Help keep
Blind Creek Beach clothing-
• Fort Collins, CO punts next step in
top-free equality federal lawsuit to
incoming City Council
• SFFB April Board meeting
• Alcohol banned at Sandy Hook
• Naturists make connections in
Florida's capital
• In Memoriam: Tom H. Pine
• Black Naturists Association
returns for Miami visit in August
• Northeast Naturist Festival calls
for facilitators, etc. by April 20
• The Body Sacred nude yoga
retreat at Cypress Cove
• World Naked Gardening Day
• Discounts ending for GNI's annual
men's nude Gathering in August

April 11-15, 2019
11th Annual Naked Spring Bash
Lake Como Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
April 12-14, 2019
Young Adult Naturists Spring
Fest: Full Bloom Music Medley
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
April 13, 2019
SFFB Board meeting
Haulover Beach
Miami, FL
May 3, 2019
Monthly Friday night
nude drum circle
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
May 3-5, 2019
Naked Burn Festival
Lake Como Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
May 4, 2019
World Naked Gardening Day
May 4-5, 2019
World Naked Gardening Day
and International
Permaculture Day
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
May 11, 2019
SFFB Board meeting
Haulover Beach
Miami, FL
May 17-19, 2019
The Body Sacred
Naked Yoga Retreat
Cypress Cove Nudist Resort
Kissimmee, FL
June 7, 2019
Monthly Friday night
nude drum circle
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
June 8, 2019
SFFB Board meeting
Haulover Beach
Miami, FL
June 8, 2019
30th Annual Corn Fest
Lake Como Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
June 14-16 2019
Christian Naturist Festival
Lake Como Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
July 5, 2019
Monthly Friday night
nude drum circle
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
July 12-14, 2019
Open House Weekend
Cypress Cove Nudist Resort
Kissimmee, FL
July 13, 2019
SFFB Board meeting
Haulover Beach
Miami, FL
July 13-21, 2019
Naturist Family Youth Camp
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
July 18-21, 2019
The Naturist Society
Western Naturist Gathering
Lupin Lodge
Los Gatos, CA
July 25-28, 2019
Parrothead Weekend
Cypress Cove Nudist Resort
Kissimmee, FL
July 30 – August 4, 2019
Northeast Naturist Festival
Empire Haven Nudist Park
Moravia, NY
August 2, 2019
Monthly Friday night
nude drum circle
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
August 9-11, 2019
Young Adult Naturists
Summer Festival
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
August 9-11, 2019
Lee Baxandall Memorial
Volleyball Tournament
Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park
East Gwillimbury, ON
August 10, 2019
SFFB Board meeting
Haulover Beach
Miami, FL
August 16-25, 2019
34th Annual International
Gathering of Male Naturists
Gay Naturists International
Pocono Mountains, PA
August 19-25, 2019
The Naturist Society
Eastern Naturist Gathering
Camp Timber Trails
Tolland Center, MA
September 6, 2019
Monthly Friday night
nude drum circle
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
September 7, 2019
SFFB Board meeting
Haulover Beach
Miami, FL
October 4, 2019
Monthly Friday night
nude drum circle
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
October 12, 2019
SFFB Board meeting
Haulover Beach
Miami, FL
October 19, 2019
Cypress Cove Nudist Resort
Kissimmee, FL
November 1, 2019
Monthly Friday night
nude drum circle
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
November 8-10, 2019
6th Annual Freedom Festival
Lake Como Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
November 9, 2019
SFFB Board meeting
Haulover Beach
Miami, FL
December 6, 2019
Monthly Friday night
nude drum circle
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
December 7, 2019
SFFB Board meeting
Haulover Beach
Miami, FL
December 13-15, 2019
Young Adult Naturists
Winter Festival
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
Join South Florida Free Beaches
Beach Education Advocates for
Culture, Health, Environment
& Safety (B.E.A.C.H.E.S.)
501(c)(3) nonprofit educational and charitable adjunct to SFFB
Find a nude beach group to join!

Grand Lido™ Negril
Au Naturel All-Suite Resort
Negril, Jamaica
An upscale and elegant naturist resort
Represented by Fox Travel American Express

The Landon
(formerly, daddy O hotel miami)
Bay Harbor Islands, FL
Textile, but close to Haulover Beach

Lake Como Family Nudist Resort
Lutz, FL
The place to be ... naturally!

Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
Clothes-free recreation in a
natural, tropical paradise!

The Naturist Society Foundation
Body acceptance is the idea.
Nude recreation is the way.

Learn all about Haulover Beach! Click on above image to download this informative, 20-page booklet.

Bringing Together the Largest Nudist Community in the World
Pick up a free copy at a newspaper dispenser box on Haulover Beach.
Gay Naturists International, Inc.
Life is Great; Live it Nude! ©
Find a men's naturist club or naked yoga group to join!
Read GNI BuffBuzz, GNI's official blog.
Register to attend GNI's annual nude Gathering for men, August 16-25, 2019 (shorter options available).
Nudist Florida, an online magazine by AANR-Florida (Florida region of American Association for Nude Recreation), helps you find places to enjoy nude recreation.

Looking for additional naturist places in Florida?
Click on above image to search for naturist clubs, resorts, yoga classes, and other businesses statewide. See alphabetical and geographical listings and an interactive map. Also includes a list of beaches.
South Florida Free Beaches
PO Box 530306
Miami Shores FL 33153-0306
United States
Treasure Coast Naturists (TCN) has issued an urgent request for all concerned naturists to take immediate action in response to state moves in Tallahassee, Florida's capital, that threaten the clothing-optional status of Blind Creek Beach on Hutchinson Island in Fort Pierce, FL. Read below and please donate as much as you can to help the counter-effort.
April 2019 Editor's Message:
Help keep Blind Creek Beach clothing-optional!
by Seth Paronick
Donate now to help beat back an immediate threat!
In a nutshell (Editor's summary)
Problem: The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), which owns nearly all of the land at Blind Creek Beach on Hutchinson Island in Fort Pierce, FL and leases it to St. Lucie County, objects to nude use there and is moving to force the County to end it.
Fighting back: A Tallahassee lobbyist with extensive experience in naturist issues has been hired to get a temporary hold placed on pending actions by DEP and to pursue positive steps with key players while the Florida Legislature remains in session through the beginning of May.
What you can do: Lobbying is expensive. The supporting organizations need to raise a lot of money fast to pay the lobbying bills. Please donate ASAP per the instructions below!
Print out the alert: A PDF version is available.
Treasure Coast Naturists (TCN), the volunteer group that mentors clothing-optional Blind Creek Beach on Hutchinson Island in Fort Pierce, FL, has issued the following alert about a pressing threat to the clothing-optional status of that beach. Because of the urgency of this alert, I am sharing this issue of the SFFB newsletter with entities in the Naturist Unity database maintained by B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute, of which I am President in addition to my editorial duties for SFFB.
B.E.A.C.H.E.S., South Florida Free Beaches / Florida Naturist Association, The Naturist Society Foundation, the Naturist Action Committee (NAC), and other naturist organizations are committed financially and in shared effort to help TCN turn back this threat. Read on for details, please donate ASAP, and share this alert with other naturists! Thank you.
Please Donate to Save Hutchinson Island's Blind Creek Beach.
Rumors have been circulating that the clothing optional section of Blind Creek Beach is in trouble. This St. Lucie County haven for naturists has openly thrived since 2014. Sheriff deputies tolerantly patrol and Treasure Coast Naturists (TCN) board members regularly consult with County Commissioners and staff. So what is really happening and why is the nude beach imperiled? The following will summarize conditions that are compelling a political fight in Florida's State capital. Your help in the form of legal defense donations is needed to fund this battle.
The first unnoticed salvo occurred as far back as three years ago when the State of Florida, through its Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), sent a complaint to St. Lucie County. DEP objected to St. Lucie County government tolerating a nude beach on what it sees as State-owned land.
So what is the root cause of the State's challenge to Blind Creek Beach's nude use? Some quick background history will help readers better understand.
Furthermore, we have to keep Haulover Beach squeaky-clean and safe in order to protect its clothing-optional status and to help other groups like ours obtain or preserve their naturist beach. We have therefore additionally tasked our lobbyist to advocate for more funding in the Miami-Dade County budget for needed public safety services on Haulover Beach that are lacking or deficient.
Background History on the Dispute at Blind Creek Beach
About 15 years ago, St. Lucie County established Blind Creek Beach County Park as an isolated Hutchinson Island preserve located immediately north of the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant. Before the county park's officially startup, this same section of isolated shoreline was host to a long tradition of nude sunbathing and swimming. Begun as far back as the 1970s, the free beach attracted naturists from around North America. Skinny dippers encountered a pristine piece of coastline that was relatively free of arrests or harassment.
The Opening in 2014
In 2014, frank discussions between local naturist advocates, the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office, and the St. Lucie County Attorney led to the recognition that this isolated stretch of beach and its tradition of family-oriented skinny dipping - did not run afoul of the state's anti-nudity statute (SS - 800.03). As long as lewd behavior did not occur, County deputies would quietly patrol the beach just like any other. And so a grand social experiment began where local government tolerated and even cooperated with a naturist not-for-profit, the Treasure Coast Naturists (TCN), in managing Blind Creek Beach. TCN patrols the shore, protects the sensitive dunes from human intrusion, funds and provides portable bathrooms to beach-goers, manages the parking lot, organizes beach clean-ups and town hall meetings, and operates a website (treasurecoastnaturists.org) that educates the uninitiated about the freer norms occurring at this county park.
The Economic Argument for Naturist Beaches
The economic rewards from Blind Creek Beach are impressive. The number of tourists flocking to St. Lucie County has significantly increased. Many are attracted to the Blind Creek Beach experiment, so much so that it is now the most visited beach in the county. A range of 500-1000 naturists show up on weekends. Hotel occupancy is up. Restaurants have been filled by a new niche of family tourists. Behind the scenes both the business community and county government administrators have witnessed the unexpected. Home to one of only three successfully established nude beaches in the State, St. Lucie County has found itself in an economic sweet spot.
Since its inception in 2014, Blind Creek Beach has been successfully branded worldwide as a tropical, isolated, and unspoiled paradise for naturists. Tourists now come from Europe, the Caribbean, and South America to experience it for themselves, fill up nearby hotel rooms, and enjoy the many local restaurants. It's understandably difficult for St. Lucie County to ignore this abundant new source of tourist dollars.
The Threat to Blind Creek Beach
Meanwhile in Tallahassee, DEP has repeatedly voiced objections to nude use on their land. DEP claims that since over 95 percent of Blind Creek Beach County Park's leased tracts are actually owned by DEP (and the State of Florida), the department insists that is has standing to object. As part of its purpose, DEP plays a primary role in administering and protecting the state's wild lands. Among others, these include the state park system, state wildlife refuges, and state preserves. What DEP overlooks is that it already has TCN as a committed environmental partner in helping to manage the county park.
For the past three years, DEP has repeatedly written threatening letters to St. Lucie County's government administrators. They continue to demand that the naturist use be shutdown or moved away from Blind Creek Beach. The response from St. Lucie County has been largely silent. With the backing of business leaders and others, the county has chosen to let the grand experiment continue and thrive.
The Discovery of Trouble in March 2019
After repeated rumors of pending trouble, in March 2019 TCN wrote a letter to a long-time Tallahassee naturist advocate and lobbyist. TCN asked his firm to investigate several key questions. Is Blind Creek Beach's naturist status actually in jeopardy? If true, how and why is it threatened? Last, who is at the heart of the objection?
Subsequent Research in Tallahassee Uncovers a Real Threat
Ramon Maury, TCN lobbyist
After careful research, the lobbyist discovered that yes, the State of Florida (through DEP) was getting ready to take immediate additional actions to compel St. Lucie County to close down all nude use of Blind Creek Beach. Since learning of this, TCN has committed to uncovering the answers and prevail in this dispute. The naturists refuse to back down or leave this beach. To win, TCN has officially hired the Florida lobbying firm of Maury Management Group. This company has a long successful record of representing both South Florida Free Beaches / Florida Naturist Association (SFFB/FNA) since 1994 and the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) in Tallahassee. Their normal purview is to watchdog and identify potentially harmful bills or legislation. But with TCN's recent hiring of Maury Management, a far more intensive, assertive, and expensive work plan has been set in motion.
A Two-Step Process Will Save Blind Creek Beach and Potentially Open the Rest of Florida to Naturist Beaches
According to principal Ramon Maury, there are two steps that must be undertaken. Timing is important too. As an added benefit, the concentrated effort to save Blind Creek Beach could also lead to reopening former clothing-optional beaches that Floridians lost in the 1980's.
Step I encompasses placing a hold on DEP's actions to quickly shut down Blind Creek Beach. Maury Management Group has opened up a dialog with each of the stakeholders in Tallahassee and is working to impose a temporary hold on all pending actions that might stop naturism at Blind Creek Beach.
Step II involves opening a conversation with the key players while the Florida legislature is still in session. We have one remaining month. Possible outcomes that appear to be within reach include rewriting state park rules and/or regulations that currently discourage the establishment of sanctioned nude beaches in Florida. Convincing arguments already underway include the economic perspective. Nude beaches are good for growing local economies, especially those that remain heavily dependent on tourist dollars and the service sector.
Is There Any Good News?
The good news is that Step I is underway and Step II has begun. But this fight is expensive. For it to be won, it will take more naturist donations.
What Can You Do? Donate to the Cause.
Donate so that you may continue to visit Blind Creek Beach as a naturist. Give so that we can also open up the opportunity for establishing more clothing-optional beaches around the State. At the moment other international and regional naturist organizations around the country have been contacted by TCN for help. The Treasure Coast Naturists, the Naturist Action Committee, the Naturist Education Foundation, The Naturist Society Foundation, B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute, and South Florida Free Beaches have all committed financial and in-kind resources to the fight. AANR, through its national and Florida region, has also been asked to join the battle.
Help Save Blind Creek Beach and to reopen our historic, clothing optional beaches at Florida State Parks. Please donate to TCN's Legal Defense Fund or make a tax-deductible donation to B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Here's how you can help stop the threat, protect Blind Creek Beach, and possibly open new naturist, clothes-free beach opportunities across Florida.
Payment Instructions
Make your donations to the TCN Legal Defense Fund by check or via PayPal at paypal.me/tcnaturists.
Make your check payable to: Treasure Coast Naturists, Inc. Please indicate that your donation is for the TCN Legal Defense Fund. Mail to:
Treasure Coast Naturists
PO Box 882281
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34988
or make a tax-deductible donation with a check made out and sent to:
B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute
PO Box 530702
Miami Shores, FL 33153-0702
Donate to B.E.A.C.H.E.S. on line at: beachesfoundation.org/donate.html
Questions? Contact TCN at (772) 800-5841 or B.E.A.C.H.E.S. at (305) 318-8821.
Fort Collins, CO punts next step in top-free equality federal lawsuit to incoming City Council
We reported in last month's issue that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit had ruled that Fort Collins, CO's ban on public exposure of female breasts likely violates the U.S. Constitution's provision of equal protection of the law, as argued by the plaintiffs in the lawsuit against it. The appellate court remanded the case to the U.S. District Court for further review.
In its final meeting on March 26, the outgoing City Council of Fort Collins voted 6-1 to leave it to the incoming City Council to decide whether to appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. City Council elections took place on April 2. The winners, some reëlected, are of mixed minds on the matter, as indicated by their statements about it during the campaign. For details, read The next City Council will decide if city should fight for topless ban at Supreme Court. We will continue to monitor this case and report on updates as they occur.
SFFB Board meeting on Haulover Beach, April 13
The Board of Directors of South Florida Free Beaches usually meets on the second Saturday of every month at 10:30 a.m. (an earlier time than last year's meetings) under the North Chickee (thatch-roofed shade structure) near Lifeguard Tower 15 on Haulover Beach unless another date and time or location is announced. See below for the long-term schedule. Any planned exception to the second Saturday pattern is noted with an asterisk.
The meetings are open to SFFB sponsors / members, supporters, and invited guests. Prior to setting out, check the upper left-hand corner of SFFB's home page at sffb.com (under Today's Beach Reports) for any change in date, time, or location due to unavailability of Board members or in case of bad weather, when the meeting may take place indoors.
Don't miss an SFFB Board meeting — add the schedule to your calendar now!
April 13, 2019
May 11, 2019 |
June 8, 2019
July 13, 2019
August 10, 2019 |
September 7, 2019
October 12, 2019
November 9, 2019 |
December 7, 2019
In Memoriam: Tom H. Pine
Tom H. Pine, 1946 – 2019
The Christian and broader naturist communities mourn the sudden and unexpected passing of Tom H. Pine, 73, on April 7, 2019. A co-founder of the Christian Nudist Convocation, Tom also co-founded The Naked Truth Naturists with his wife, Marilyn, to provide a place for Christians to enjoy naturism within the framework of their faith.
Tom and Marilyn were on vacation in The Bahamas when he collapsed after returning from a dive. At press time, memorial arrangements were not known.
BNA Miami / Haulover trip set for August 2-4, 2019
Black Naturists Association (BNA), a nude travel club affiliated with the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR), returns to Miami for Haulover Takeover, an organized group visit, August 2-4, 2019. BNA has lined up a private compound with five houses surrounding a pool, along with fine dining and unique entertainment. BNA members had first option on reservations, but a few spaces may still be available to others. Check availability and book.
Alcohol banned at Sandy Hook, NJ, effective April 2
The National Park Service announced on April 2 that alcohol is banned, effective immediately, in the Sandy Hook, NJ unit of Gateway National Recreation Area, which includes popular, clothing-optional Gunnison Beach. The number of alcohol-related incidents at Sandy Hook had soared in recent years as alcohol was prohibited on other beaches along the Jersey Shore. This change aligns the policy at Sandy Hook with other public beaches in New Jersey.
Enforcement is to be phased in this season. For repeat offenders, the fine is $50 for the first citation and $100 for the second one.
Anyone interested in actively helping to maintain naturist standards on Gunnison Beach is invited to join the Friends of Gunnison (FOG) Facebook group.
Northeast Naturist Festival calls for facilitators, etc.
The Northeast Naturist Festival, one of the events on The Naturist Society's 2019 Naturist Tour, has issued a call for facilitators, performers, keynote speakers, vendors, and volunteers. Applications must be submitted by April 20. The Festival takes place July 30 – August 4, 2019 at Empire Haven Nudist Resort in Moravia, NY (between Ithaca and Syracuse). There is a Facebook group for anyone interested in the Festival to communicate with like-minded individuals.
Reminder: The next event on the 2019 Naturist Tour is the Young Adult Naturists Spring Fest: Full Bloom Music Medley, April 12-14, 2019, at Sunsport Gardens Family Naturist Resort in Loxahatchee Groves, FL (near West Palm Beach). Check the 2019 tour schedule for event dates. The theme of this year's tour is Naturists Relax Naturally.
Naturists make connections in Florida's capital
Representatives of B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute and the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) visited Tallahassee, Florida's capital, the second week of March with the lobbyist for South Florida Free Beaches (SFFB) and AANR. With the purpose of educating state government about the significant place that nude recreation has in Florida's tourism industry, they conferred with legislative committee chairs, members of the Governor's staff, and the new President and CEO of VISITFLORIDA®, the state's official tourism marketing agency.
SFFB and B.E.A.C.H.E.S. have follow-ups planned with the new South Florida regional manager of VISITFLORIDA®.
The Body Sacred nude yoga retreat at Cypress Cove
Cypress Cove Nudist Resort in Kissimmee, FL (near Orlando) hosts The Body Sacred nude yoga retreat, May 17-19, 2019. The weekend-long retreat features two leading figures of the nude yoga movement in the U.S., Isis Phoenix and Luna Phoenix, along with Dr. Lloyd Sparks, who leads a forum on nutrition and fitness.
The retreat is open to anyone with prior nude yoga and/or nudist experience, but space is limited. Anyone interested in participating is encouraged to register soon. Registration for the full retreat costs $299. Lodging is not included, and participants staying outside the resort are subject to daily ground fees. Click or tap for details and to register.
Hoe a row in the buff on World Naked Gardening Day, Saturday, May 4
World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD) is celebrated on the first Saturday in May. This year's 15th annual observance is on May 4, when people are encouraged to tend their portion of the world's garden unclothed, as nature intended. WNGD was co-founded in 2005 by Jacob Gabriel, an avid horticulturist and naturist activist in Seattle, WA, and Mark Storey, who is consulting editor of N (Nude & Natural, The Magazine of Naturist Living), the quarterly publication of The Naturist Society. Mark continues to lead the project.
Mark Storey, WNGD co-founder
The WNGD website, which is sponsored by ClothesFree International, states, "Gardening has a timeless quality, and anyone can do it: young and old; singles or groups; the fit and infirm; urban and rural. An elderly lady in a Manhattan apartment can plant new annuals in her window box. Families can rake leaves in their back yard. Freehikers can pull invasive weeds along their favorite stretch of trail. More daring groups can make rapid, clothes-free sorties into public parks to do community-friendly stealth cleanups.
"Why garden naked? First of all, it's fun! Second only to swimming, gardening is at the top of the list of family-friendly activities people are most ready to consider doing nude. Moreover, our culture needs to move toward a healthy sense of both body acceptance and our relation to the natural environment. Gardening naked is not only a simple joy, [but] it [also] reminds us — even if only for those few sun-kissed minutes — that we can be honest with who we are as humans and as part of this planet.
"Events like WNGD can help develop a sense of community among people of every stripe. Taking part in something that is bigger than any one household, naturist group, or gardening club can move gardeners with an au naturel joie de vivre toward becoming a community. And, in the case of WNGD, it's fun, costs no money, runs no unwanted risk, reminds us of our tie to the natural world, and does something good for the environment."
WNGD's aspirational slogan is: "Make World Naked Gardening Day every day!" Find out more.

Last chance for early bird discounts for GNI's 2019 men's nude Gathering
April is the final month of eary bird discount pricing for this sunmer's edition of Gay Naturists International (GNI)'s signature nude event for men, the 34th Annual International Gathering of Male Naturists, also known as the GNI Gathering or Naked Camp. Through April 30, 2019, registrants can save up to $40, depending on the length of stay selected. (Regular pricing kicks in on May 1, 2019.)
The Gathering takes place in a rustic, but comfortable resort in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, August 16-25, 2019, with shorter attendance options available. The location is about an hour-and-a-half's drive west of New York City, and GNI provides optional bus transportation from Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) and Midtown Manhattan.
Nearly 600 men come together at The Gathering for up to ten days of naked fun, camaraderie, education, and relaxation in a beautiful, rustic but comfortable setting with a lake; two heated pools; gym and courts for tennis, volleyball, and other sports; wooded trails; and rolling, manicured grounds.
The registration fee covers housing in dormitory-style cabins (camping optional; RVs welcome, but utility hookups are not available), all meals, snacks, and beverages (including beer and wine), and events, activities, and entertainment (except the optional Body Electric massage weekend workshop, Yoga Foundations for Life weekend retreat, and add-on excursions, which require additional fees).
Regular programming includes seminars and workshops, sports and tournaments, massage and yoga, contests, shows, parties, bonfires, a nightly, naked Dance Club with live DJs and fantastic sound and lights, and much more! The Gathering is open to men aged 21 or over, regardless of orientation. Get info and register.