November 2016 President's Message
by Richard Mason
Read This, Before That!
It is November and, as the seasons change, so do many of the origins of the species called, Naturists. The subtropical weather attracts the tourists from too many countries to list here. It would be nice to see each tourist plant a small flag of their country in the sand next to their beach blankets. The mini-flags can be obtained from Freedom Flag & Banner Company in North Miami.
Last chance to win a nude Caribbean cruise or other great, naturist vacation prizes for two!
November is the final month of the 2016 "Keep Our Beaches Bare" fundraising raffle by B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute in coordination with South Florida Free Beaches / Florida Naturist Association. Make a donation* and enter the drawing for a chance to win a balcony stateroom for two on the Bare Necessities Big Nude Boat / Dare 2 Bare Caribbean cruise on the Carnival Pride, February 5-14, 2017, round trip from Tampa, FL to the Dominican Republic with stops in Key West, The Bahamas, and Turks & Caicos or one of six three-day, two-night naturist vacation packages for two in Florida (except as otherwise noted), including stays at
• Hidden Beach Resort - Au Naturel Club by Karisma (5 days/4 nights), Kantenah, Riviera Maya in Mexico's Yucatán peninsula (one hour south of Cancún) plus round-trip airfare from select U.S. gateways
• Cypress Cove Nudist Resort & Spa, Kissimmee (two prizes)
• daddy O hotel miami, Bay Harbor Islands (textile, but near Haulover Beach)
• Lake Como Family Nudist Resort, Lutz ("loots," near Tampa)
• Sunsport Gardens Family Naturist Resort, Loxahatchee Groves (near West Palm Beach)
and two gift certificates for lunch or dinner for two at a restaurant to be determined.
Get all the details and order your raffle tickets at: beachesfoundation.org/fundraiser
* Donations will be used for naturist education, free beach advocacy, capital improvements to Haulover Beach or other clothing-optional beach sites, disability beach access program, and other purposes as listed in the scope of B.E.A.C.H.E.S.' mission and SFFB's mandate.
The serious side of Haulover Park's designated beach is the mission of South Florida Free Beaches, Inc. (an all-volunteer nonprofit) to sustain the beach forever as a naturist, clothing-optional beach. Please completely read this message if you are interested in supporting and joining our above-stated mission.
Election Day is Tuesday, November 8.
SFFB urges all registered voters to vote early in the 2016 General Election to avoid long lines on Election Day. In-person early voting in Miami-Dade County is open in select locations every day, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., through Sunday, November 6. The deadline to request a mail-in (absentee) ballot is Wednesday, November 2 by 5 p.m.
Otherwise, click for information about voting on Election Day (including verification of your precinct location, in case it has changed). For voters outside Miami-Dade County, get election information for voting in Florida or elsewhere.
As founders of the naturist beach, the members of South Florida Free Beaches (SFFB) were charged by the Commissioner for this County Commission district who was in office at that time with the responsibility of mentoring the beach to keep it from becoming a problem for Miami-Dade County. That Commissioner represented our position before the other County Commissioners to avoid a negative resolution that might have prevented our efforts from going forward without an expensive lawsuit.
In order for our mission to be successful in sustaining the nude option at Haulover's designated naturist beach, we need all beach visitors to support the rules of the naturist beach. Those rules are outlined in the Naturist Society's Nude Beach Etiquette. The point here is that it should not be up to just the members of SFFB and the volunteer Beach Ambassadors (see related article below) to keep the beach a naturist beach, both safe and lawful. It is the responsibility of all beach visitors to speak up for community standards and park rules.
We get occasional calls concerning inappropriate behavior on the beach and in the restrooms. |
We get occasional calls concerning inappropriate behavior on the beach and in the restrooms. Visitors should handle these themselves by speaking up, teaming up with fellow beach visitors, and talking to the perpetrator. Or, you can approach a lifeguard or call the Haulover Ocean Rescue headquarters at (786) 336-6990 and they will notify a beach ranger or Miami-Dade police officer. Just give them the location by reference to a lifeguard tower number and a description.
A few other basic rules are no loud radios and no glass bottles on the beach. Also, educate yourself on the meaning of the beach warning flags that fly at the lifeguard towers and what to do if you are caught in a rip current. That may save your life.
[W]e have received [complaints about] the number of visitors that wear clothing and never get nude. |
One of the other complaints we have received is the number of visitors that wear clothing and never get nude. This is a concern of many beach naturists. Many newcomers to the beach get very uncomfortable being around clothed people and many never return to the beach. However, many visitors who are wearing clothing may be first-timers. Maybe if you see regulars who are clothed, you may want to speak to them — gently!
Florida has 866 miles (1,394 km) of sandy beaches for people who wear clothing. Haulover Park has 1.5 miles (2.4 km) of beach for non-naturists. In Florida, the only officially designated naturist beach is Haulover's one-third of a mile (1/2 km). Non-naturists don't only make nude people uncomfortable, but they also take up limited parking spaces closest to the nude beach.
SFFB has created a great beach atmosphere for naturists. |
SFFB has created a great beach atmosphere for naturists. All amenities on the beach were created due to the efforts of SFFB: the North Parking Lot and opening of the tunnel; the new wheelchair ramp; the lifeguard towers; the chair and umbrella rentals and food trailer. All were lobbied for by SFFB. The shower on the beach was built and paid for by B.E.A.C.H.E.S Foundation Institute with a donation from SFFB and a small grant from Miami-Dade County. It was a three-year effort.
We are very aware that there is a shortage of beachfront for those that live in the cities surrounding our beach and many, who are not naturists, would love to have possession of this location. Let's not give them an excuse.
I will not detail here the many years of struggles in Tallahassee, Florida's capital, to prevent statewide anti-nudity legislation from being enacted. Or the legal assistance we have given to over 200 individuals cited and/or arrested in Florida for being nude on a beach. I will point out that we keep a paid professional lobbyist to represent us, both in Tallahassee and in Miami-Dade County.
Annual dues are only $35 per household, or just 67 cents per week — a great investment! |
South Florida Free Beaches, Inc. is a membership association and we invite people who value Haulover's nude-permissible beach to join and/or financially support our efforts. Annual dues are only $35 per household, or just 67 cents per week — a great investment! Join us and support our mission. South Florida Free Beaches has given you a beach where you can be nude. You can help us to keep it that way.
If you are not a current member, please consider becoming one — numbers matter. Join at sffb.com or fill out an application on printed page 7 of the Naturist Beach Guide booklet found in the news dispenser boxes on Haulover Beach.
Even if you're not ready to (re)join just yet, please consider donating to SFFB/FNA's Legal Defense & Political Action Fund (not tax-deductible) to help with current challenges. Thanks!
Haulover Beach Ambassador training
Do you spend a lot of time on Miami's nude beach? If so, you have a chance to give back by volunteering as a Beach Ambassador (BA) to help maintain naturist standards on Haulover Beach and keep it safely nude for all to enjoy. Sign up for and attend a training to become part of a wonderful corps of volunteers.
BAs serve as beach monitors and greeters, a combination of block watch and welcome wagon. For their service, BAs at Haulover Beach get a cool hat, ID badge, and free parking on their duty days. Seasonal residents are welcome to participate.
The final Beach Ambassador training in 2016 is scheduled for Haulover Beach in Miami on Saturday, November 12 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the North Chickee (thatch-roofed shade structure) near Lifeguard Tower 15. (Lunch, which is provided, runs from noon to 1 p.m.) If you have any questions or wish to sign up for a training session, contact Ken.
Inspired by the Haulover Beach Ambassador Program, Treasure Coast Naturists have implemented a BA program for Blind Creek Beach in Fort Pierce, FL and are actively seeking additional volunteers. B.E.A.C.H.E.S. and SFFB will provide assistance in setting up their first formal training. See the related article below.
Lake Como Family Nudist Resort hosts Annual Freedom Fest Veterans' Weekend, November 11-13
Reminder: Lake Como Family Nudist Resort in Lutz ("loots"), FL, near Tampa, hosts its annual Freedom Fest in honor of veterans over the weekend of November 11-13, 2016. For details, see the event program (interim and subject to change).
Freedom Fest is a fundraiser for Tampa Crossroads Athena House, which provides housing and assistance to female veterans in need. Here are some of the features:
• Veterans' Parade & Tribute Ceremony
• Music | Vendors
• Charity Golf Scramble
• Charity Silent Auction
• Free admission for U.S. and Canadian veterans and active and reserve military members
Partial victory for Free The Nipple in Fort Collins, CO
Brittiany Hoagland, co-plaintiff
(Photo by Austin Humphreys,
The Coloradoan)
Free the Nipple attained a partial victory for top-free equality on October 20, when a Federal judge in Denver denied a motion by the City of Fort Collins, CO to dismiss their lawsuit against the municipal ban on the public exposure of female breasts. The lawsuit was premised on both the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution. The judge denied the plaintiffs' claim that nudity is protected speech under the former, but upheld their assertion that the disparate treatment of males and females by the ordinance runs afoul of equal protection of the law guaranteed by the latter.
Protest for top-free equality in Fort Collins, CO
(Photo by Brittiany Hoagland)
Brittiany Hoagland (pictured above right) had asked the City Council last year to address the inequity, but they limited their response to clarifying that the ordinance does not apply to breastfeeding, children under 10 years of age, or the area of the female breast above the nipple. The court's action does not settle this issue, but it allows the lawsuit to proceed on Constitutional grounds. We will monitor this story and bring you updates as they occur. For current details, read Federal judge refuses to dismiss Free the Nipple lawsuit against Fort Collins and Federal Judge Rules for Free the Nipple, Holds Topless Ban May Violate U.S. Constitution.
SFFB Board meeting
The Board of Directors of South Florida Free Beaches meets on Haulover Beach on Saturday, November 12, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. at the North Chickee (thatch-roofed shade structure) near Lifeguard Tower 15. The meeting is open to SFFB sponsors / members, supporters, and invited guests.
Prior to setting out, check the upper left-hand corner of SFFB's home page at sffb.com (under Today's Beach Reports) for any change in date, time, or location due to unavailability of Board members or in case of inclement weather, when the meeting may take place indoors.
Ruling sought on top-free equality in Maryland
Maryland top-free activist Chelsea Covington, author of the blog, Breasts are Healthy, recently asked the Ocean City, MD Police Department and the State's Attorney for Worcester County, MD whether it would be against the law for her to go top-free on the beach, which she has actually done in Ocean City and elsewhere in the area. Maryland's indecent exposure law prohibits the deliberate exhibition of "private parts" in public, but it doesn't define what those are. Furthermore, the Equal Protection Act prohibits treating males and females differently under the law. Not finding any case law on the subject, the police chief deferred to the local State's Attorney.
A bit stumped, the State's Attorney announced on October 24 that he had passed the question to Maryland's Attorney General for a ruling. We will monitor this story and bring you updates as they occur. For details, read Worcester State's Attorney Seeking Attorney General's Opinion On Topless Women... and Ms. Covington's blog entry, The Maryland Top-Freedom Conversation.
Monthly nude party launches at London, UK nightclub
The popularity of The Bunyadi, the naked restaurant in London, United Kingdom that created a sensation earlier this year, has been followed by the launch of a new, monthly series of clothing-optional, but nudity-encouraged, events in that city. Get Naked London is hosting a recurring party at Club Aquarium, a stylish nightclub featuring a swimming pool and hot tub, located in the Shoreditch neighborhood, a lively arts and entertainment district.
The series kicks off on Saturday, November 12 with Get Naked, Get Wet, a party running from noon to 5 p.m. Tickets start at £15 (currently, approximately US$18), with deluxe and VIP options available at a premium. Waterproof body-painting is available, and all communities are welcome. For a bit of background, read Naked pool party is London's next naked thing.
Aussie student vets bare all to combat depression
A group of veterinary students at the Townsville City campus of James Cook University in the northeastern part of the Australian state of Queensland posed nude in the outback for and are marketing a 2017 calendar titled, Vets Uncovered. Their purpose is to raise awareness of the high rate of suicide among members of their profession, which they say is four times the average for all occupations. They hope to encourage their peers who may be struggling with depression to seek help. A portion of the proceeds benefits Tie Up the Black Dog, a charity that promotes mental health in rural Queensland.
View select images from the calendar and watch the promotional video, which documents the making of the calendar.
Connect with SFFB and B.E.A.C.H.E.S. on social media
Want to keep up with SFFB and B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute between issues of this newsletter? Like or join us on Facebook (SFFB official | SFFB community (group) | B.E.A.C.H.E.S.), follow us on Twitter ( SFFB | B.E.A.C.H.E.S.), and visit SFFB on Vimeo (for archives of Nude Beach News.TV and other videos).
More Beach Ambassadors sought for Blind Creek Beach
by Carl Flick, Vice President, Treasure Coast Naturists
[Editor's note: Treasure Coast Naturists (TCN) is the organization that mentors Blind Creek Beach in Fort Pierce, FL.]
Want to get involved and become part of a team? Do you like to make new friends? Are you are a diplomat in search of a new purpose? Why not volunteer to become a Blind Creek Beach Ambassador? Treasure Coast Naturists (TCN) will be sponsoring a training session soon. You'll join a great social network and a community of supportive new colleagues. To enlist, send us a message. We're waiting for your involvement.
TCN maintains a citizens' committee called Friends of Blind Creek Beach. The group's trained volunteers serve as Beach Ambassadors for our clothing-optional shoreline. In choosing a name for our envoys, TCN borrowed the term, "ambassador." It's a ubiquitous title that is used by hundreds of other nonprofits nationwide to provide additional support quietly in national, state, and county parks. Patrolling participants help keep Blind Creek Beach a safe and inviting place for visitors, wildlife, and native plants.
TCN's roaming volunteers essentially serve as the park's informal (unofficial) advocates. Their polite, low-key, and enlightened presence ensures continued health and safety, adherence to all laws and regulations, and a first line of defense for Blind Creek Park's sensitive ecosystem.
Typically, as one walks the trail from the Blind Creek Beach parking area to the ocean, the first shoreline views may include the information booth staffed by these emissaries. If a visitor has a question or concern, here is a tangible presence of knowledgeable people who can assist. TCN's mission statement (scroll down) and beach etiquette embody the volunteers' guiding principles.
TCN / FBCB information booth on Blind Creek Beach
Another set of objectives for Friends of Blind Creek Beach (FBCB) is to lessen negative human impacts on the park's ecosystem, promote TCN membership, set up clothing-optional warning signs, provide additional information regarding the national naturist movement, monitor the TCN-funded bathrooms in the parking area, and disseminate nude beach souvenir gear (via donations to TCN).
The above tasks help FBCB promote commonly accepted norms of conduct and keep Blind Creek Beach a family-friendly sanctuary. Essentially, what is acceptable behavior in the "textile world" remains valid in the "naturist world." They are the same. Our Beach Ambassadors help to uphold these common-sense standards.