August 2016
• The President's message
• Haulover 25th Anniversary
celebration recap
• Beach Ambassador training
• Treasure Coast Naturists update
• Music Medley for Young Naturists
at Sunsport Gardens
• Nude swim day for Madrid pools
• Handicapped parking at Haulover
• Off-trail hiking ban in California
state parks rejected
• SFFB August Board meeting
• SFFB backs naturist candidate
• Get naked in Daytona Beach!

August 1, 2016
35th Annual Wreck Beach Day
Wreck Beach Preservation
Society, at Wreck Beach
Vancouver, BC, Canada
August 12-14, 2016
Annual Young Adult Natur-
ists End of Summer Fest:
Music Medley for
Young Naturists
Sunsport Gardens
Family Naturist Resort
Loxahatchee Groves, FL
August 12-14, 2016
Solar Plunge
Crossed Oaks Haven
Travel Club, at
Ocean Shore Resort
Daytona Beach, FL
August 13, 2016
SFFB Board meeting
Haulover Beach
August 18-21, 2016
Florida Young Naturists
8th Annual End of
Summer Bash
Sunny Sands Resort
Pierson, FL
August 19-28, 2016
31st Annual International Gathering of Male Naturists
Gay Naturists
International (GNI)
Pocono Mountains, PA
August 21, 2016
Beach Ambassador training
Haulover Beach
August 21, 2016
Naturist beach founders'
plaque dedication
Haulover Beach
September 4, 2016
Nude Bowling
Crossed Oaks Haven
Travel Club
Kissimmee, FL
September 11, 2016
Treasure Coast Naturists
Board of Directors
Community Meeting
Blind Creek Beach
Fort Pierce, FL
September 17, 2016
Treasure Coast Naturists
3rd Annual Beach Cleanup
International Coastal
Cleanup Day
Blind Creek Beach
Fort Pierce, FL
October 9, 2016
2nd Annual Nude 5K Run
Paradise Lakes Resort
Lutz, FL
October 23, 2016
24th Annual Kitetober Fest
(clothed event)
Skyward Kites, Inc.
Haulover Park
November 12, 2016
Beach Ambassador training
Haulover Beach
December 8-11, 2016
Florida Young Naturists
6th Annual Naked
Winter Gathering
Lake Como Resort
Lutz, FL
February 18-19, 2017
25th Annual Kite Day
(clothed event)
Skyward Kites, Inc.
Haulover Park
Join South Florida Free Beaches
Beach Education Advocates for
Culture, Health,Environment
& Safety (B.E.A.C.H.E.S.)
501(c)(3) nonprofit educational and charitable adjunct of SFFB
Find a nude beach group to join!

The Naturist Society
Body acceptance is the idea.
Nude recreation is the way.

Learn all about Haulover Beach! Click on above image to download this informative, 20-page booklet, pick up a free copy from a dispenser unit at Haulover Beach, or order by mail (S&H, US$5.00 in U.S. or Canada, US$10.00 elsewhere). Send request to address below (in e-mail version of newsletter).

Bringing Together the Largest Nudist Community in the World
Gay Naturists International, Inc.
Life is Great; Live it Nude! ©
Find a men's naturist club or naked yoga group to join!
GNI men's nude Gathering (August 18-28, 2016): Find out more and register
Read GNI BuffBuzz, GNI's official blog, published semi-monthly.

Looking for naturist places in Florida?
Click on above image to search for naturist clubs, resorts, yoga classes, and other businesses statewide. See alphabetical and geographical listings and an interactive map. Also includes a list of beaches.
August 2016 President's Message
by Richard Mason
Haulover 25th Anniversary was celebrated July 9-10, 2016
On July 9 and 10, the weekend of the annual Nude Recreation Week, our members and beach visitors celebrated Haulover's 25th year as the most successful naturist beach in North America. Holding an event on the beach requires a lot of planning, permits, insurance, purchase of additional canopies, and the hard work of the Event Committee members. For additional information and photos of the 25th Anniversary, please read the article below.
Ramon Maury of Maury Management Group, Inc., our Tallahassee and Miami-Dade County government affairs adviser and lobbyist, sponsored a canopy at the event and was available to answer questions on past and present efforts by anti-nudity groups to impose their views onto state and local laws in Florida. Had they been successful, Haulover's naturist beach would have been closed.
Click to watch a video of Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Ocean Rescue
early morning patrol on Haulover Beach.
Ramon also outlined to SFFB members and supporters of the efforts of South Florida Free Beaches / Florida Naturist Association here in Miami-Dade County to have included in the 2016-17 Miami-Dade County budget adequate monies to fund fully the needs of Haulover Beach Park. These efforts require working with three separate County departments: Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces; Fire Rescue Ocean Rescue (lifeguards); and Police.
We then have to seek the support of the Miami-Dade County Mayor and a majority of the 13-member County Commission for any changes in the budget.
It is important to the future of Haulover's naturist beach that we have adequate on-site police, ranger, and beach safety / lifeguard protections. Whether or not we are successful, it will require visitors to the naturist section of Haulover Beach to double down and help keep those seeking inappropriate sexual activities off the beach by reporting perpetrators to authorities or Beach Ambassadors. (See related article below.)
Thank you for your continued support and, if you are not a current member, please consider becoming one - numbers matter. Join at or fill out an application on printed page 7 of the Naturist Beach Guide booklet found in the news dispenser boxes on Haulover Beach.
Even if you're not ready to (re)join just yet, please consider donating to SFFB/FNA's Legal Defense & Political Action Fund (not tax-deductible) to help with current challenges. Thanks!
Haulover 25th Anniversary celebrated July 9-10, 2016
South Florida Free Beaches / Florida Naturist Association (SFFB/FNA) and B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute celebrated the 25th anniversary of Haulover's clothing-optional section on the beach over the weekend of July 9-10, 2016. The weather was perfect - sunny and dry. The celebration featured music and entertainment, food and drink (including anniversary cake and lemonade), body-painting, volleyball, naturist beach merchandise, and a naturist tour and travel auction. For details, visit the event page.
Naturist clubs, resorts, and other businesses had an option to reserve space for a very limited number of exhibitor booths, and we had some distinguished Legacy Partners and Boosters for that. See and click on their display ads at left, further below, to learn about them. In addition, there were two general sponsors, TotalBank and daddy O hotel miami in Bay Harbour Islands, FL. Also, select food trucks featuring American and international cuisines were there.
Several of them participate in Food Trucks at Haulover Parkin the kite field (south end of park) every Tuesday evening from 5:00 to 9:30. Please patronize all of the above and let them know you found out about them through SFFB!
A highlight of the festivities on Saturday was the unveiling of a mock-up of a bronze plaque honoring Richard and Shirley Mason for their roles in founding Haulover Naturist Beach and nurturing it through its first 25 years. If you missed the unveiling at the 25th Anniversary celebration, you can watch it at right. The actual, installed plaque is scheduled to be dedicated at Haulover Beach on Sunday, August 21 at 1:00 p.m. on the service road near the dune crossover for Lifeguard Tower #15. Please join us for the ceremony!
Beach Ambassador training
Do you spend a lot of time on Miami's nude beach? If so, you have a chance to give back by volunteering as a Beach Ambassador (BA) to help maintain naturist standards on Haulover Beach and keep it safely nude for all to enjoy. Sign up for and attend a training to become part of a wonderful corps of volunteers.
BAs serve as beach monitors and greeters, a combination of block watch and welcome wagon. For their service, BAs at Haulover Beach get a cool hat, ID badge, and free parking on their duty days. Seasonal residents are welcome to participate.
The next Beach Ambassador training is scheduled for Haulover Beach in Miami on Sunday, August 21. The next one after that is on Saturday, November 12. If you have any questions or wish to sign up for a training session, contact Ken.
Treasure Coast Naturists update
The community meeting that the Board of Directors of Treasure Coast Naturists (TCN) had scheduled for July 17 on Blind Creek Beach in Fort Pierce, FL was postponed to Sunday, September 11, starting at 10:30 a.m. The meeting takes place under the pavilion near the parking lot trailhead of the dune crossover. All friends of Blind Creek Beach may attend, and suggestions and questions are welcome.
The 3rd Annual Blind Creek Beach Cleanup occurs on Saturday, September 17, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., in coordination with International Coastal Cleanup Day. Volunteers may enter a raffle to win great prizes of nudist destination vacations.
Music Medley for Young Naturists, Sunsport Gardens
Sunsport Gardens Family Naturist Resort in Loxahatchee Groves, FL (near West Palm Beach) hosts a special edition of its Annual Young Adult Naturists End of Summer Fest, Friday to Sunday, August 12-14. The theme is Music Medley for Young Naturists and it features nine live bands playing throughout the afternoon on Saturday and Sunday. There are also a drum circle on Friday evening, yoga, black light body-painting, workshops, volleyball, and more.

Free tent camping and discounted grounds fees are offered for this event to young adults between the ages of 18 and 30 and their accompanying partner. All are welcome to attend, and most of the activities are open to all Sunsport members and guests of any age. Click above for the band list and links to their websites. Additional information and discussion among attendees are available on the Facebook page for this event.
Madrid authorizes nude swim day in municipal pools
Handicapped parking for Haulover nude beach
There are handicapped spaces, all free of charge, in three locations near the clothing-optional section of Haulover Beach. Two of them, located beachside to the immediate north and south, respectively, of the Ocean Rescue Lifeguard Station building, have 15 spaces each. They tend to fill up early (between 9 and 10 a.m.) on weekends.
There are 34 more handicapped spaces, not yet publicized by the County, in the North Parking Lot. Access is via the Haulover Park Marina ( not Bill Bird Marina) entrance. Tell the booth attendant you're going to handicapped parking and take a sharp right turn. From there, use the tunnel and
wheelchair ramp (with a 5% slope) to cross underneath Collins Avenue (State Road A1A) to the beach. A plastic Mobi-Mat® leads through the dune and onto the sand.
Naturists and allies quash off-trail hiking ban in CA
In late April, the California Department of Parks and Recreation proposed a general ban (with exceptions by Department approval) on off-trail use of natural or cultural reserves or preserves within the California State Park System. Although this wasn't specifically a naturist issue, several naturist clubs in southern California, such as The Camping Bares, were concerned about its potential impact on their nude camping and hiking activities. Naturists are more likely to go off trail for privacy and to avoid potential conflict with textile users, and the adoption of such a ban would put a crimp in those clubs' programming.
Park user groups requested a public hearing. The Anza-Borrego Foundation (friends and supporters of Anza-Borrego Desert State Park) encouraged its members and those of environmental groups such as the Sierra Club to attend the hearing, which was held in San Diego on July 22. B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Board member Claudia Kellersch, of The Camping Bares and Black's Beach Bares, called on naturists to join her in attending the hearing, where she spoke against the proposed new rules.
Nearly 100 other speakers did the same, including park rangers who would have to enforce the ban, while no one spoke in support of the proposal. It was consequently dropped. This outcome reinforces the value of robust turnout (whether in person or in writing) by a coalition of kindred witnesses to express their common views at government hearings. It demonstrates that it's worth the effort to cultivate allies and to speak up in numbers.
Manuela Carmena Castrillo, Mayor of Madrid, Spain, authorized the city's swimming pools in early July to hold a "no swimsuit day" under certain conditions. For details, read Carmena authorizes a 'day without swimsuits' in Madrid's pools (in Spanish). Her decision was in response to a petition by the Association for Naturist Development (ADN), the Madrid affiliate of the Spanish Federation of Naturism, to provide naturists with an opportunity "to educate and transmit our values, which are Western values," in the words of Ismael Rodrigo, ADN President. Rodrigo continued, "There is nothing criminal about the body and the best way we can show that is to try not to wear clothes when it's not necessary, and in the pool, it isn't."
"No swimsuit day" in 2015 in Madrid's Casa de Campo park
Mayor Carmena has stipulated that each of Madrid's 21 districts may decide whether to allow a nude swim day, "if appropriate." Furthermore, any municipal pool where it takes place must post signage at the entrance, advising the public of the event, and children must be accompanied by an adult. At press time, a date had not yet been set, but this was expected to happen later in August.
Controversy over this decision has taken on a partisan tone, with right-leaning political leaders, including one that Carmena defeated in the 2015 mayoral election, blasting the mayor and the City Council for their "left-wing" and "crazy" ideas. ADN felt the need to insist publicly that it does not align with any political party or ideology and to remind people that several such events were held in recent years under a more conservative administration. ADN's apolitical position and educational intent are elaborated on in a July 8 article (in Spanish) in Spain's ABC national daily newspaper, Nudists respond: We don't want to be connected with Carmena.
SFFB Board meeting
The Board of Directors of South Florida Free Beaches meets on Saturday, August 13, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. under the North Chickee (thatch-roofed shade structure) near Lifeguard Tower 15. The meeting is open to SFFB sponsors / members, supporters, and invited guests.
The previous month's meeting, scheduled for July 23, was cancelled because of unplanned travel by several Board members.
SFFB backs naturist for Calhoun County (MI) Comm.
Bill Schroer. (Click above to play
campaign video clip.)
SFFB, through its Political Action Fund, has contributed $150 to the campaign of Bill Schroer for the Board of Commissioners of Calhoun County in Michigan. The principal city is Battle Creek. SFFB also mailed Bill's campaign brochure to more than 50 current and past members and contacts of SFFB in Michigan.
A veteran of the U.S. Army, Bill is principal of WJSchroer Co., a marketing, research, and strategy firm in downtown Battle Creek, to which Bill is strongly committed. He is a former chairman of the city's Downtown Development Partnership and is currently a member of the Downtown Parking Committee. Bill is also a former Treasurer and Board member of the Naturist Action Committee (NAC) and Naturist Education Foundation (NEF), and served as Executive Director of the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR). Bill works closely with B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation Institute and other naturist organizations on the Naturist Unity project. Although naturism is not a plank of Bill's platform, he is campaigning openly as a naturist.
Bill is running in the Republican primary on August 2 against the incumbent Commissioner for District 4. If he wins, he will advance to the general election on November 8.
Final reminder: Get naked in Daytona Beach at Solar Plunge (August 12-14, 2016)
Crossed Oaks Haven Travel Club is hosting Solar Plunge (summer version of "polar plunge") on the weekend of August 12-14, 2016 at Ocean Shore Resort in Daytona Beach. The event room rate for Saturday night is $55 if reserved under Solar Plunge. Live music, festivities, and barbecues are planned during the weekend, with the plunge taking place in the pool on Sunday, August 14 at noon. Although the minimum required occupancy wasn't reached, the resort has confirmed that it is honoring the club's exclusivity for a nude event. Reserve ASAP (daytime is best) at (800) 545-9795 or (386) 239-9795 and then let the club know you're coming.
Crossed Oaks Haven has assured the resort that it takes full responsibility to erect privacy screening for outdoor common areas, but the club needs some assistance with this. The club is also asking anyone that has E-Z Up-style canopies to bring those to provide shelter from sun and rain. If you plan to attend and can help, please read the details and get in touch ASAP with Crossed Oaks Haven.