January 2016 President's Message
by Richard Mason
We must be vigilant as Florida legislative session gets under way
First, I want to thank all of those naturists that have been members and/or supporters of South Florida Free Beaches / Florida Naturist Association (SFFB/FNA) during the past year, 2015, as well as those Haulover Beach visitors that have signed up to receive this newsletter.
We will continue this year to employ a paid lobbyist at the Florida state capitol in Tallahassee, as we have for the past 25 years. Any current threat to the continued use of Haulover Beach as a designated naturist beach where legal public nudity is enjoyed will come from the Florida Legislature. It has been through the continued observation of legislative bills to amend existing laws or to write new ones that we have been able to prevent laws from being enacted that would have changed the character of Haulover Beach.
South Florida - A Naturist Perspective
Richard's monthly column in NUSA Sun
December 2015: Who Are You With?
Richard recounts his harrowing experience of being physically threatened by supporters of an anti-nudity ordinance in northern Florida in the early 1990s after he had testified against it at a public hearing, and exhorts naturists to join established naturist organizations to achieve strength in unity and numbers. Read...
Whether those new laws would have banned full or partial nudity, our ability to raise a robust effort to educate legislators and to work with other naturist groups to mount a campaign of opposition has made us successful in protecting our recreational choice at Haulover without a lengthy and costly court battle for the past 25 years.
The work has not diminished, but has increased! We will continue our efforts... |
Because our present efforts with a professional lobbying firm, quietly, at the beginning of the legislative process have been successful, we have avoided the distribution of screaming flyers on the beach and the mailing of letters of urgent requests to contact legislators during committee meetings and during the legislative session, all while frantically traveling to Tallahassee under the pressure of "fear of loss." This quiet success has hurt SFFB/FNA because many people have withdrawn or delayed financial support, thinking that we as an organization are no longer needed; yet, we are working full time, both locally and statewide, as well as assisting various groups and individuals nationally, as we have always done for over 30 years. The work has not diminished, but has increased!
The 2016 session of the Florida Legislature begins during the second week of January. Committees have been quietly meeting since last September and most bills and amendments have been presented and are ready to be sent to the floor of the Legislature to be debated and voted on. There are two bills we are concerned about this session. Both amend criminal statutes. One concerns the photography of children while nude and the other concerns giving authority to a police officer to cite or arrest a person on suspicion, without a court-issued warrant or without their witnessing a crime. The implications for naturists statewide on these two issues need no discussion here.
This is an election year and we can expect the legislators to avoid long debates and controversy as well as push legislation through the process quickly. They will be focusing of fund-raising for their campaigns and we have already been given the opportunity to donate to some, which we have done, and we expect many more requests over the coming months, both at the state level and locally here in Miami-Dade County. You can donate to our Political Action Fund on line or send a check to SFFB/FNA, PO Box 530306, Miami Shores FL 33153-0306.
If you go, stop by the B.E.A.C.H.E.S. / SFFB hospitality table in the Rainbow Lounge during days at sea, 10 a.m. - noon and 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. |
We will continue our efforts while working with other naturist groups to expand the number of designated and/or recognized naturist beach locations within Florida, while at the same time protecting existing naturist beach locations as we have in the past. We are currently working closely with B.E.A.C.H.E.S Foundation Institute, our 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational and charitable adjunct, as well as with Ralph Collinson, President of AANR Florida (Florida region of the American Association for Nude Recreation) on all statewide projects.
We will be continuing our efforts to energize and expand our Beach Ambassador Program at Haulover Beach. Those interested in participating in this volunteer program can find information below.
Members and supporters will be receiving their annual renewal notice this month. Thank you for your continued support and, if you are not a current member, please consider becoming one - numbers matter. Join at sffb.com, fill out an application on printed page 7 of the Naturist Beach Guide booklet found in the news dispenser boxes on Haulover Beach, or see at left for a special membership offer.
Stay informed, be involved.
Beach Ambassador training
The first Beach Ambassador (BA) training of the new year is scheduled for Haulover Beach in Miami on Sunday, February 28. The tentative dates of subsequent training sessions in 2016 are Saturday, May 14; Sunday, August 21; and Saturday, November 12.
BAs are volunteers that serve as beach monitors and greeters, a combination of block watch and welcome wagon. For their service, BAs at Haulover Beach get a cool hat, ID badge, and free parking on their duty days. Seasonal residents are welcome to participate. If you have any questions or wish to sign up for a training session, contact Ken.
Battle of the nipple heats up
Initial, partial victory in federal lawsuit against Springfield, MO indecent exposure ordinance
In reaction to partially top-free demonstrations by young women and male supporters from the local chapter of Free the Nipple, the City Council of Springfield, MO passed by a "bare" majority of 5-4 in September 2015 a revised and more stringent indecent exposure ordinance, reducing the area of a female breast that may be uncovered in public and banning any portion of buttocks from public exposure. On the group's behalf, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed suit against the City in federal court, claiming that the ordinance violates the United States Constitution with particular reference to the First Amendment, due process of law, and equal protection, and that it conflicts with state law, which makes more liberal provisions to protect
breastfeeding in public. The ACLU also requested a preliminary injunction against enforcement until the lawsuit is resolved. The City moved to dismiss the lawsuit, arguing that the plaintiffs lack standing because, in the absence of arrests or prosecution, none of them has been harmed by the new ordinance.
In a partial victory for plaintiffs in the first phase of the case, U.S. District Court Judge Beth Phillips of the Western District of Missouri denied the City's motion on December 29, 2015, allowing the lawsuit to proceed. She ruled that the plaintiffs, although not yet arrested or prosecuted, have standing to sue because they are "imminently" harmed by the legitimate fear of arrest if they attempt to exercise their right to free expression, one of the issues in contention in the lawsuit, and by the prior restraint resulting from that threat. Judge Phillips
removed the issue of conflict with state law regarding breastfeeding, however, opining that it is a matter for a state court and not within the purview of her court. She also extended to January 18, 2016 the deadline for the City to explain why the ACLU's request for injunction should not be granted. For details, please follow these links to coverage by the Springfield News-Leader, part of the USA Today network:
New Hampshire state representatives introduce bill to ban female nipples in public
Four male Republican members of the New Hampshire House of Representatives have introduced a bill (HB 1525-FN) to amend the state's current indecent exposure statute to ban public exposure of female nipples (except during breastfeeding) and the anus of either sex. The current law does not address exposure of breasts, effectively providing top-free equality for men and women alike.
This proposed legislation, filed on November 30, 2015 in advance of the 2016 session, is in reaction to a Free the Nipple top-free demonstration by 50 or so women at Hampton Beach, NH on August 23, 2015 and a follow-up topless appearance by a small group of women on September 6, 2015 at Gilford Town Beach on Lake Winnipesaukee. One of the women in the latter incident was arrested under a municipal misdemeanor charge of toplessness. Several members of Free the Nipple testified on December 28, 2015 before Justice James Carroll of the New Hampshire Circuit Court's 4th District in a constitutional challenge to Gilford, NH's ordinance. Justice Carroll promised to issue a ruling soon.
What has raised a storm in the first few days of the new year are the unseemly, discourteous, and somewhat illiterate responses of a couple of New Hampshire state representatives via social media to objections raised by their colleague, Amanda Bouldin (D-Manchester) over the discriminatory nature of the bill. On December 29, 2015, Rep. Bouldin stated:
"YES, all the sponsors are men. And Republicans. So much for 'smaller government.'" Not realizing at first that the bill includes an exemption for breastfeeding, Bouldin continued, "The very least you could do is protect a mother's right to FEED her child." Once she realized and acknowledged her oversight, she added: "We shouldn't be introducing new legislation that only applies to women. If we had any laws that started with the sentence 'women should not,' they should have been repealed by now."
Rep. Josh Moore (R-Merrimack), the primary sponsor of the bill, responded:
"Who doesn't support a mothers [sic] right to feed? Don't give me the liberal talking points Amanda. If it's a woman's natural inclination to pull her nipple out in public and you support that, than [sic] you should have no problem with a mans [sic] inclantion [sic] to stare at it and grab it. After all... It's ALL relative and natural, right?"
Rep. Al Baldasaro (R-Londonderry) then jumped in:
"Amanada [sic], No disrespect, but your nipple would be the last one I would want to see. You want to turn our family beach's [sic] into a pervert show. Libertarians want a nude beach, put your money together and buy one, if you want to expose you [sic] kids to nudity, go for it. Some of us liberty minded Reps do beleive [sic] in family values."
The bill has been referred to the New Hampshire House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee. For details, please follow these links to press coverage:
Seven rules of political engagement for naturists
by Gary Mussell, Member, B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Board of Governors. (Click at left for the author's background.)
This article was originally published on December 23, 2015 as a guest blog entry on the website of Young Naturists and Nudists America (YNA).
My experience over the years is that, like the general public, most naturists want very little to do with politics. This is especially true of young naturists, whose focus is on the next party, the next bodypainting event, or the next naked bike ride.
In truth, none of [YNA's] activities are possible without some law or past court case giving you permission. Those of us who involve ourselves in the legislative process are constantly fighting off challenges to ban nudity at beaches, hiking trails, or elsewhere. There are people out there who would take away our rights in a heartbeat if we weren't paying constant attention. The challenges come every year, in many states [and provinces], and it takes a lot of time and money to fight these battles.
Your ability to enjoy social naturism comes because of the constant effort of The Naturist Society's Naturist Action Committee and [the] Government Affairs Team [of the American Association for Nude Recreation] (AANR).
How we go about protecting your rights is an interesting process. I was invited to reveal some of how we do what we do in February 2015 at the [Naturist] Unity Summit in [Miami,] Florida. This was a conference organized by the B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation [Institute] that brought together naturist leaders from around the [United States and Canada].
If this article motivates you, we invite you to join us in our efforts. Contact The Naturist Society or AANR to volunteer. We sure can use the help! If you are a student, the following will make a good term paper! [Editor's note: If you live in or visit Canada, contact the Federation of Canadian Naturists (FCN). For naturist beach advocacy groups in the U.S. or Canada, consult B.E.A.C.H.E.S.' directory.]
Please continue reading for Gary's speech to the Naturist Unity Summit, expounding on his seven rules of political engagement for naturists.
Blind Creek Beach layout changes
Above: New boundaries of clothing-optional beach. Below: New layout of parking areas. (Click on either image for a larger map.)
Friends of Blind Creek Beach (FBCB), the group of volunteers who mentor the naturist beach in Fort Pierce, FL, have published a revised map of clothing-optional boundaries, which took effect on January 1, 2016.
Above: Click on image to view TC Palm's gallery of Blind Creek Beach photos. Below: Beachgoers enjoy a beautiful Nude Year's Day 2016 on Blind Creek Beach. Click on image to view video clip.
To reach the naturist section of the beach, drive to the Blind Creek parking area, which is located 2/10 mile (322 meters) north of the Blind Creek bridge. (See map and directions.) Park in the main sand lot or in the overflow roped-off grass lot.* Follow the marked path over the dunes. (Do not ramble in the dunes.)
At the trailhead on the beach at the eastern end of the walkway from the Blind Creek parking area, the naturist section spreads contiguously in both directions. To the right (south), it extends approximately 1,000 feet (305 meters). To the left (north), it extends 5,000 feet (approx. 1.5 km). Any use above the mean high water mark ends at the "no trespassing" signs of FPL, owner / operator of St. Lucie Power Plant. In consideration of textile fellow beach users, please do not go nude outside this range. There is no nudity in the parking lot or on the dune crossover, either.
* The entrance to the overflow parking area has shifted toward the beach but, as of this writing, the signage has not been moved from its previous location. Please be sure not to block the entrance. If the main and overflow lots are full, an alternative is to park at Blind Creek Beachside North, accessed via the next car entrance north off South Ocean Drive (State Road A1A).
Blind Creek Beach port-a-potty
(Click on image for larger view.)
Entrance to Blind Creek Beach South overflow lot
(Click on image for larger view.)
FBCB reminds visitors that there is now a portable outhouse in the South parking lot. Its delivery and regular servicing are the result of private donations. (It is not provided by St. Lucie County.) The group welcomes additional donations toward maintenance of the port-a-potty and reminds visitors to use it (cover up before crossing back over the dunes from the beach) and refrain from urinating on the beach.
Upcoming young adult naturist events
Contrary to the oft-heard lament that naturism is in generational decline, there is actually a vibrant movement encompassing young adult naturists. It is most dramatically seen in special events catering to the 18-to-30-something age range, especially in Florida, drawing hundreds of participants. Key sponsors include, but are not limited to,
Island Fest 2015 (Sunsport Gardens) |
Young Naturists and Nudists America (YNA), Florida Young Naturists (FYN), Tallahassee Naturally (in tandem with Naturally FSU, the naturist recognized student organization at Florida State University), Sunsport Gardens Family Naturist Resort (see related story below), and others.
We make every effort to post these events to the calendar (above left) as they are announced or anticipated. Please keep an eye out for new additions.
In a citation in last month's issue, The Gay Naturist E-former, monthly e-magazine of Gay Naturists International (GNI), was erroneously described as "quarterly." Its hard-media predecessor, The Gay Naturist Informer, was quarterly.

Click on cover image to read.
GNI has since announced that it has suspended publication of The E-former indefinitely after last month's issue (at right) while it evaluates relying solely on social media solutions for its public communications needs.
These two polished magazines had a consecutive (and, for a time, overlapping) run of well over 20 years and made a significant contribution to naturist journalism. Back issues from the years noted below remain on line for perusal. (The Informer archives are accessible only to current GNI members.)
Six days of fun, growth, and community in the nude
28th Annual Mid-Winter Naturist Festival
Thursday - Tuesday, February 11-16, 2016
Sunsport Gardens Family Naturist Resort
14125 North Rd, Loxahatchee Groves, FL (14 miles west of West Palm Beach)
Join other naturist men and women and their families from Florida and the rest of North America for the continent's first regional naturist gathering in 2016. Come for any or all of the days - it's up to you!
This nude gathering features more than 240 scheduled activities, including a broad array of seminars, workshops, sports, music and dance (including nightly drum circle around a huge bonfire), and social activities. There are also several off-site events, which include canuding on the jungly Loxahatchee River and excursions to Haulover Beach in Miami and Blind Creek Beach in Fort Pierce, FL.
The Mid-Winter Naturist Festival is one of a series of Naturist Society-sanctioned nude events each year. Diversity is valued, and all are welcome. Pre-registration is encouraged for planning purposes, but not required. (It makes check-in quick and easy.) Proceeds of Festival registration fees will benefit The Naturist Society and South Florida Free Beaches. Get details and/or register.
Meanwhile, try Sunsport Gardens' nude drumming circle, every Friday from 9 p.m. to midnight. (The first Friday of every month is a little more elaborate.) Free entry starts at 5 p.m.; visitors must depart by 2 a.m. Includes use of amenities such as the café, showers, pool, spa, and sauna. You must present your government-issued photo ID for admission. Get directions.